
RainTaps beer umbrellas are custom brewery umbrellas made from brewery tap handles. Authentic brewery tap handles are attached to specially modified umbrellas using a patent pending design. If you want to jump straight to shopping head to the beer umbrellas for sale in my online store.

During the summer of 2017, I started researching ways that I could customize umbrellas. I wanted to be able to sport my favorite beer taps, so I could take the taps out of my basement and give them a new life as a functional, useful accessory.

I developed a unique design that allows the tap handles to act as the handle of the umbrella. The beer umbrella that is created has the tap securely attached without damaging or altering the tap handle.

My custom beer tap umbrellas are for sale in my online store where I also sell tap handles, bottle openers, and other beer gifts. In the Boston area, local vendors including d2 in Somerville, MA and Arlington Centered in Arlington, MA carry my custom beer umbrellas. I also sell my umbrellas at local open markets in Massachusetts like SOWA Open Market and Central Flea. You can follow me on instagram @raintaps or Twitter @raintap to get updates.

To give you a quick intro to the different models of brewery umbrellas that I offer I’ve put together this quick video. If you have other questions that aren’t answered let me know!